Our brains undergo significant changes as we age, sometimes leading to cognitive issues! Join Jeanne in her conversation with Dr. Tina Huang about brain health and strategies for maintaining it as we age. Staying informed and proactive enables individuals, especially women, to take charge of their brain health and enjoy fulfilling and cognitively vibrant lives as they age! Stay tuned!
Our brains undergo significant changes as we age, sometimes leading to cognitive issues! Join Jeanne in her conversation with Dr. Tina Huang about brain health and strategies for maintaining it as we age. Staying informed and proactive enables individuals, especially women, to take charge of their brain health and enjoy fulfilling and cognitively vibrant lives as they age! Stay tuned!
Here are the things to expect in the episode:
Connect with Dr. Tina Huang!
Website: https://tryholisticbrainhealth.com/
Toxic Foods/Products: https://www.ewg.org/
Your Guide to Safer Personal Care Products: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
EWG’s Consumer Guide to Seafood: https://www.ewg.org/consumer-guides/ewgs-consumer-guide-seafood
Event (Only on June 24): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/can-frequencies-rebuild-brains-tickets-923318870597
Connect with me, Jeanne Andrus!
Website: https://menopausematterspodcast.com/
Email: jeanne@menopause.guru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Menopause.Matters.The.Podcast
Talk with Me: https://mg.menopause.guru/book-invitation
Sign up for the workshop at https://menopause.guru/holiday
Find out how you can take control of your menopause journey!
Schedule your FREE consultation now at menopause. guru/consult.
Think Again! Clearing Away the Brain Fog of Menopause can be purchased at https://www.amazon.com/Think-Again-Clearing-Brain-Menopause-ebook/dp/B076H4PJ7G/
Music from #Uppbeat (Free For Creators!): Aurora by Roo Walker https://uppbeat.io/track/roo-walker/aurora?rt=uc-referral
License code: 6BNDRM6ZKOHCYGCB